Discover the Difference

No one’s pain should cause them to live without hope. We invest the time needed to understand your situation holistically. Our specialized therapists utilize Fascial Counterstrain Therapy to put you in the driver’s seat of your healing. You can live without the limitations of pain!

Fascial Counterstrain Therapy at Rybacki PT in western Wisconsin

Fascial Counterstrain Therapy

Gentle, Powerful, and Enduring Relief, Fascial Counterstrain Transforms Lives, not Symptoms.

Rybacki Holistic Physical Therapy in Somerset, WI

Holistic Physical Therapy

A Therapeutic Approach that Treats the Whole Person, not Just the Body

Stillwater Rybacki Physical Therapy

Active Partnership in Healing

Our Work Helps Empower You to Unlock Your Body’s Healing Power.

Counterstrain Therapy in St Croix County

Contact Us!

Activate Your Body’s Healing Process with Fascial Counterstrain Therapy