Rybacki Physical Therapy is a private practice clinic located in Somerset, Wisconsin, striving to provide our clients with a high standard of care. We use a compelling blend of manual therapy techniques (including soft tissue mobilization, muscle energy, and joint mobilization), therapeutic exercise, and neuromuscular retraining. This unique approach to therapy focuses on healing through restoration of postural alignment and re-balancing of the body. To put it simply, we take a unique approach that delivers outstanding results in getting you better.

Despite it being common practice at many clinics, we prefer you aren't left on your own to complete exercises or wait for a PT. Patients receive a full 60 minutes of care in a one-to-one setting. Having practiced in various locations, we firmly believe manual therapy techniques with therapeutic exercise and neuro-muscular retraining provide much better results in bringing down inflammation, decreasing pain, and restoring function. These practice patterns continually deliver a higher standard of care for our patients.


